
TRINITY CHOIR – Rehearsals Begin Sept. 7 – JOIN US!

Trinity’s Choir returns to rehearsals on Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7:00 pm and to singing for 10:00 am Sunday Services on Sunday, September 10th.  We would love to have you join us!  We welcome both experienced singers as well as people who have never sung in a choir.  EVERYBODY is welcome and encouraged to become a part of the musical life of our congregation through participation in this wonderful vocal ensemble. Trinity’s Choir has lots of fun making music together and we are always looking for new voices to join our ranks.  Come give it a try!

Music at Trinity

When you come to Trinity Parish, you can expect to hear and participate in a wide range of music, from the chant, hymns and anthems of earlier centuries to spirituals, contemporary songs, and original compositions. Instrumental accompaniment is usually by organ and piano, but an eclectic mix of instruments is heard during the year, ranging from a chamber orchestra to kazoo.


The Trinity Choir blends volunteer singers and professional section leaders. The choir supports the congregation’s worship, bringing musical expression to the varying themes and stories of the Church year. At Old Swedes Church, congregational singing is supported by a cantor each Sunday. Opportunities to become a part of this dynamic music and drama ministry are always available, regardless of experience.  We’re always seeking new members!


TRINITY CHOIR – Rehearsals Resume Sept. 12 – COME JOIN US!

Trinity’s Choir returns to rehearsals on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 7:00 pm and to singing for 10:00 am Sunday Services on Sunday, September 15th.  WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU JOIN US!  We welcome both experienced singers as well as people who have never sung in a choir.  EVERYBODY is welcome and encouraged to become a part of the musical life of our congregation through participation in this wonderful vocal ensemble. Trinity’s Choir has lots of fun making music together and we are always looking for new voices to join our merry ranks.  Come give it a try!  There is always room for new voices in the choir!

Special Music & Drama Offerings

Music Festivals and bilingual services highlight a vigorous music calendar. At least once a year the choir performs a major work accompanied by a chamber orchestra. Works recently performed include Bach’s Magnificat and Cantata 17, the Fauré and Duruflé Requiems, and Schubert’s Mass in G. Christmas, Lent, and Easter are times for special musical offerings marking these notable seasons of the Christian year. On Christmas Eve, the choir and younger members of the church family retell the Christmas story in a traditional Christmas pageant. The birth of the Christ Child comes alive through costume, candlelight, song, scripture, and the voices of cherubim, lambs, and the heavenly chorus. A Festival Choral Eucharist is celebrated both at Trinity Church and at Old Swedes. Lent is marked with a retelling of the last days of Jesus. On Palm Sunday, the story of Jesus’ passion and death is retold in powerful dramatic readings. The somber mood of Good Friday is transformed into joy with the coming of Easter. Celebrated with pageantry and triumphal music, the Easter message of hope and renewal is proclaimed. To receive information about these events, contact the parish office.