Worship Ministries

Ministries involving parishioners of all ages support our worship by welcoming those who come to the services and by helping make the liturgy as beautiful and meaningful as possible. To become part of these worship ministries, please contact the parish office.

Acolytes and Crucifers

Youth at least ten years old can assist the clergy by leading the procession, carrying the cross and candles, and serving at the altar. Acolytes and crucifers serve about once a month.

Chalice Bearers

Chalice bearers assist the clergy by distributing the wine at Communion at all services of the Holy Eucharist. The rector trains them, and the Diocese of Delaware licenses them to assist in serving communion during worship. Chalice bearers serve about once each six weeks.

Lectors and Intercessors

Lectors read scripture and intercessors lead the prayers of the people during worship services; they are scheduled to read about once each six weeks.

The Choir

The choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service from mid-September through mid-June and at special services during the year. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. With a repertoire that includes anthems, motets and sacred music — both ancient and modern, the choir takes special delight in hearing the congregation sing with them! For more information or to get involved, please visit the Music (Worship/Music) page.

Altar Guild

Working in teams, the altar guild prepares the settings for worship. Each team serves about once each month.

Flower Guild

Members of the flower guild work alone or in pairs to arrange the altar flowers for services in Trinity church and Trinity chapel.


On Sunday mornings, ushers greet visitors and parishioners and assist with seating as needed. They hand out service bulletins, take up the offering, bring the Communion elements to the altar, and assist those wishing to receive communion. Serving about every five weeks, the ushers work in teams under the direction of a head usher.

Member of the Day (MOD)

The member of the day organizes service participants at the 10:30 a.m. service (i.e., ushers, acolytes, chalice bearers, lectors, etc.) and assists with duties during the service.

Eucharistic Visitor

Trained by the rector and licensed by the Diocese of Delaware, Eucharistic visitors volunteer to call on shut-ins or parishioners in the hospital and offer the Eucharist and companionship.