Adult Education


We offer Adult Christian Formation
opportunities year-round


Adult Christian Formation Class

Trinity offers formation programs covering a wide range of topics. These classes are taught by the clergy, members of the church, or neighbors in our community. They are offered throughout the liturgical year, with a series during Advent and Lent, and additional programs and classes in the fall and spring. If there is a topic you would like to learn more about or to teach, please contact the rector to discuss possibilities. Watch for information about upcoming classes in our weekly update email and in our Sunday bulletins.

2023 Lenten Adult Formation Program Information and Register Here


Monday Bible Study

Every Monday at noon, Trinity holds a Bible Study class. Each month the class focuses on a new book of the Bible or study of the Bible, led by our clergy.

The Monday Bible study at noon via Zoom. Please join the discussion as we return to our weekly Bible study program. We are starting on the book of Hebrews in December. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the parish office to be added to the list. This is an online only meeting. The Zoom information is sent every Monday morning to those participating.

Adult Formation Resources